
Canary Seed

Recently research scientists at the Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico analyzed the great power of birdseed food because of the great benefits that it brings to birds, and after many experiments based on the scientific method has found  a protein in the birdseed incredibly powerful,  which has stable aminoacids and leads to increased efficiency in the body feeding process.
The birdseed is a grass family of Poaceae, herbaceous. It is native to the Mediterranean, but is grown commercially in various countries to use the seed in the diet of pet birds.
The canary seed is one of the most powerful foods  on Earth, it has an enzymatic recharge capacity is huge and it has a higher protein content.
A glass of milk enzyme of birdseed has more protein than two or three kilograms of meat, but with stable aminoacids.
The enzymes that are provided by the birdseed have immense power to help reduce inflammation, particularly the liver, kidneys and pancreas, making the birdseed a huge pancreatic re-generator, it cures  diabetes within a few weeks, also eliminates the cirrhosis by increasing the count of hepatocytes in the liver and  of course, it reduces inflammation, recharge kidney enzymes by promoting a healthy diuresis to eliminate excess fluid in the body.
It contains the enzyme lipase that removes body fat quickly, whether from the veins, arteries, or simply deposits of fat, this is a great remedy for obesity and generate large and powerful results as a promoter of muscle tone.
Indicated prevention of hypercholesterolemia and atherosclerosis; diuretic. Useful in situations that require an increase in urine output, such as genitourinary disorders (cystitis), hyperazotemia (abundance of nitrogenous substances in the blood), hyperuricemia, gout, high blood pressure, edema, overweight accompanied by fluid retention, gastritis and ulcer (ulcer, especially stomach ulcer). It is demulcent (emollient, softens and relaxes inflamed parts of the body).
In addition, is considered a great remedy for urinary track affections, stones, kidney and bladder, and refreshing for hot flashes, also used externally for eczema.

How to
Just put five tablespoons of bird-seed to soak in water at night time, remove the water next morning, put the soaked five tablespoons of bird-seed into the blender, fill it with clean water and blend, the result will be a very frothy milk  with a smooth taste that is basically maximized your health and desirable body shape, take a big glass before breakfast and another just before bed.
Of course, if you want to take it with meals helps a lot, but is best the morning before breakfast and before bedtime.
Never add fruit or sugar, it is highly forbidden because refined sugar is a poison that kills the enzymes in the good food, as it is too acidic and anything living enzyme can't survive in the acidity of refined sugar.
Consuming birdseed milk is a strong vaccine against diabetes and any disease that is generated by the body acid levels; therefore we need to consume at least two or three glasses of milk daily to ensure a slim figure and a very healthy body, which of course lead to a healthy mind.

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