
 What is noni?

Noni is a natural fruit, not a medicine, and its scientific name is Morinda citrifolia.The fruit is approximately the same size as a tomato; yellow, but changes to white when ripe. It has a bitter taste, and it doesn’t smell very good.

 A survey performed by Dr. Neil S. of 20,000 Noni users.
Condition reported to respond to Noni   subjects study

                                                                     Subject#   improvement%
Allergy                                       2,659   87%
Arthritis                                    1,391     79%
Asthma                                      6,714     71%
Cancer (Lessened symptoms)    1,822     68%
CFIDS, Fibromyalgia                2,693     76%
Depression (Ease Symptoms)    1,258     78%
Diabetes (Type 1 and 2)            4,634    83%
Digestion                                   2,641     90%
Energy (Increased)                   13,331    90%
Heart Disease                            1,796     77%
High Blood Pressure (Reduced) 1,554     85%
Immune System                         3,485    78%
Kidney Disease                           3,134    66%
Menstruation                              3,161    80%
Mental Acuity                            4,615    73%
Muscle (Increased growth)        1,006    69%
Obesity (Lost some weight)       4,599    72%
Pain, including headaches           5,622    87%
Respiratory Problems                 3,068    71%
Skin and Hair Problems              813        79%
Sexual Enhancement                   2,484    83%
Sleep (Improved)                       1,687     74%
Stress (Coped better)                5,616     73%
Well-being (Felt better)             6,564    80%

There are two ways to use Noni Juice. 

1-  Use a loading dose for a period of time, followed by maintenance doses.
The idea being that your body requires more Noni Juice at first
until it starts responding. After this "loading period" users
decrease dose to a maintenance level.

2-It is better to start with 1-2 ounces a day and increase
until desire results are obtained. This is because
new users may experience bloating or loose stool during the detoxification process. This process is a good sign that the Noni Juice is cleansing your intestinal tract.

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